And like a lot of you, i give 'em up on January 2nd.
I even failed in a resolution to NEVER make any resolutions, so this time I'm keeping it realistic; I'm not gonna try and learn to play the piano(i CAN actually do the theme from Jaws), or build a Victorian folly at the bottom of the garden, or A-Z my comic book collection, or go the gym, or got to bed early, or read more books, or drink less whisky.
All i aim to do, promise to do, swear to do - is DRAW more comic strips. Did a lot of drawing in 2007, but not near enuff drawings in little boxes that tell a story. So far it's looking good - in less than 3 weeks - I've secured a coupla tasty comic strip gigs, and there's promise of more to come.
I'll share the details, soon.
Other than that, i VOW to sort out the piles of crap/junk/stuff that fills every inch of our home. We don't have room to swing a cat(or in our case, a very small dog), or more importantly, the room for any new crap/junk/stuff...
First to go; a shitload of VHS tapes, but some of the cover art I'm keeping.
This is why...

Call me selfish, but if the only resolution you keep is 'draw more comics' I'll be happy.
Cover art worth keeping BTW, Graham Humphreys' did some fantastic VHS sleeves.
Cheers, Paul. Though if you saw the clutter and mess - think the home of 'Steptoe and Son', after a burglary or a small indoor hurricane - you might change your mind.
BIG fan of Graham Humphreys. His video box art - most especially the 'Palace' stuff - made a strong impression, but more about that later...
WOW that evil dead cover really is amazing!
just the idea of you drawing comics...hmmm oakley's comics...nice
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