I used to.
I was up for anything, anytime, anywhere, more or less.
I was stupid, reckless and more stupid.
But now i think long and hard. I weigh up the pros and cons, ponder the possibilities, the variables: the goods, the bads and the indifferents. I measure and calculate and dissect until I'm 99% sure what i want to do and why i want to do it. This can take me a few minutes, hours or days(if it's lemon cheesecake or bookshops, it's less than a second).
In the case of Facebook, it's taken me YEARS. It was a 'have i got the time?' thing, a don't-wanna-be-a-member-of-the-club thing; a philosophical thing.
It was easier going the dentist, having my hair cut short or saying yes to a camera down my throat and up my jacksy.
But i did it, i signed up.
Still not sure, so come and say hello and 'befriend' me before i change my mind and crawl back into my batcave.
Look for the skull.

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