I LOVE it.
Loved it when i first read it. Loved it the last time i read it. Simple as that.
So it was an easy choice when Steven Gettis invited me to contribute to his very splendid website Hey, Oscar Wilde! It's Clobberin time!
I visualized my piece as a cover to an old paperback edition, the kinda art that was popular in the 60's and early 70's. In an alternate universe this is what i do for a living, and I'm a very happy man.

Shane -
This is a great image! And unique. I'm going to send Pierre at Frankensteina a link to it.
david - many thanx!
the frankensteina blog is one of my favourite places to visit(other than the morgue after midnight).
Frankensteinia is one of my favorites as well. And the Monster is one of my favorite subjects to draw. Cheers!
Corker of an image. Awesome, Shane.
david - and you do a damned fine monster!
PS; we must both write out FRANKENSTEINIA x 50.
gary - cheers, mate!
Shane -
Your cover just appeared at Frankensteinia! Cheers!
thanx, david. appreciate it.
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