A birthday pressie for the man who loves his Hammer (thank you Suzanne!). Region 1, 2 discs, 8 films(among them the little seen Paranoiac)and almost 12 hours of sublime viewing.

Trouble with this blogging lark, it takes more effort than i first thought, and if you're counting, i haven't made any effort for nearly three weeks. This is partly due to feeling unwell and spending an unhealthy amount of time pondering the universe/staring into middle space. But I've also bin away on a little holiday, mucked about on a zombie movie, started pre-production on a comic book, and made my first baby steps into the world of Photoshop.
All of which i will attempt to feature/cover on dis ere blog, sometime very soon, probably, maybe, more than likely.
Meanwhile, let me share a picture of the latest addition to our 'cabinet of treasures'...