Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well, i never did get Channel Evil #2 finished by the end of November, and looks like i won't be getting there before the new year arrives.
I tried, damn it i tried, but little seems to be going right in my world.
Won't go on at great length about illness and low morale and the general day-to-day frustration/despair, but i obviously feel shit about letting everyone down, most especially my ever-patient editor Alexander Finbow.
I have problems, and I realise I've got to get myself in a fit shape, not just physically but mentally. Some of these problems are deep-set and have been with me for many, many years, don't think I've ever really addressed them or taken them seriously enough. Agen, too complex to go into, and too personal.
I love storytelling, i love taking things outta my head and seeing them come alive on paper, and it's what i want to do for the rest of my life. And if it wasn't for the love and support of my friends, parents and guiding light Suzanne, i would've crumbled to dust a long time ago.

Thankyou all.

See you in 2010, where you'll be meeting a new, much improved Shane Oakley.
Hope you have a splendid Xmas.