On the final leg of inking up Channel Evil #1, and also on my last legs; eternally laid up, tired, undernourished, muttering in tongues, screaming at blank sheets of paper, drooling, hallucinating, giving it up, not giving it up, loving drawing, hating drawing. Am i coming? Am i going? Not sure. But I've put every ounce of what I've got into this book, and I'm hoping it will show.
Not surprisingly, I've got problems with my new A3 scanner, so no full pages until i get some decent photocopy reductions, and anyway, I'm not even supposed to be sitting ere fannying around - i have NO SPARE TIME!

looking good!
The night-time scene looks brilliant.
Spare time, what's that?
Awesome stuff! Glad I found your blog. Im looking forward to lots more monsters...
Wonderful stuff here, Shane! I'm sure you'll get through it all and you'll figure out what you want to do.
These are some of my faves so far, really stunning work.
Hang in there! Are you super booked up right now?
thankyou, one and all.
the dark clouds are lifting, and there's a skip with my hobble.
and really, drawing pictures for a living, who should be complaining?
ps;eric - booked up till summer, but i'm still walking in FOGG.
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