Saturday, November 07, 2009

Channel Evil # 2 - Still alive and working up to a kick

Putting down the ink, going slowly but surely. Aiming to have the whole issue done this month. Will post more soon. Hope I've still got your interest.


Gary Crutchley said...

Crispy pencils wid loads of shadows.
I'm loving it.

Mark Buckingham said...

Every one of these panels is exquisite !
Your work here is amazing. Sharp, dynamic and elegant.
I can't wait to see this next issue completed !

Roland MacDonald said...

Looking great

Dominic Bugatto said...

Lovely pencils.

shane oakley said...

gary - you should never eat your pencils, with or without shadows. keep on loving - i need all i can get!

bucky - thankyou kind sir.
#2 completing soon.

roland and dominic - cheers!